LISTA: 75 Top Hedge Funds (NY) Alson Capital Partners, LLC 8211 fechado em 2009 Amber Capital, L. P. 8211 A Amber Capital LP é uma patrocinadora de fundos de hedge de propriedade do empregado. A empresa fornece principalmente seus serviços aos veículos de investimento em comum. Ele gerencia portfólios de ações separados focados no cliente. A empresa investe nos mercados de capital público e mercados de investimento alternativos da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Ele investe em ações de valor, geralmente situações especiais como aquisições, spin-offs e fusões. A empresa investe cerca de 70 de seus ativos em ações européias e 30 em ações dos EUA. Anteriormente funcionava como o braço de gestão de ativos da SG Corporate amp Investment Banking, uma divisão do Grupo Société Générale. O Amber Capital LP foi fundado em 2005 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York, com escritórios adicionais em Londres, Reino Unido, Paris, França e Milão, Itália. Arience Capital Management, L. P. 8211 encerrado em 2008 Atticus Capital, LLC 8211 fechado em 2009 Blue Ridge Capital, LLC 8211 Blue Ridge Capital LLC é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade privada. A empresa investe nos mercados de ações públicas em todo o mundo. Ele emprega uma estratégia de capital de longo prazo para fazer seus investimentos. A empresa também emprega análise fundamental para fazer seus investimentos. A Blue Ridge Capital foi fundada em junho de 1996 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York. É dirigido por John A. Griffin. Brahman Capital Corp. 8211 A Brahman Capital Corp. é uma gerente de investimentos de funcionários. A empresa fornece seus serviços para veículos de investimento em conjunto. Gerencia portfólios de ações separados focados no cliente. A empresa também gerencia fundos de hedge para seus clientes. Ele investe nos mercados de ações públicas em todo o mundo. A empresa emprega uma estratégia de capital de longo prazo e uma estratégia de mercado neutro como uma técnica de hedge para fazer seus investimentos. A Brahman Capital Corp. foi fundada em 1988 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York. Brencourt Advisors, LLC - Quase fechado em 2009, mas recuperou milagrosamente depois de perder 90 de seu AUM. Bridger Management, LLC - Bridger Management, LLC é um patrocinador de hedge funds de propriedade privada. A empresa investe nos mercados de ações públicas e nos mercados de hedge em todo o mundo. Ele emprega uma combinação de estratégia longshort e estratégia orientada a eventos para criar seu portfólio de investimentos. A empresa realiza pesquisas internas para fazer seus investimentos. Faz seus investimentos nos estoques de empresas que operam em diversos setores. A Bridger Management, LLC foi fundada em 2000 por Roberto Mignone e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York. Cantillon Capital Management, LLC 8211 Cantillon Capital Management LLC é um patrocinador do fundo de hedge proprietário. A empresa fornece seus serviços para veículos de investimento em conjunto. Ele investe nos mercados de ações públicas em todo o mundo. A empresa investe em ações de valor. Ele emprega abordagem ascendente de ações ascendentes e estratégia longa e curta para fazer seus investimentos. A Cantillon Capital Management foi fundada em 2003 e tem sede em Nova York. Foi fundado por William Alexander von Mueffling. Caxton Associates, LLC 8211 O Caxton Associates LP é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade dos funcionários. A empresa fornece seus serviços para veículos de investimento em conjunto. Ele investe nos mercados de capital público e de investimentos alternativos em todo o mundo. A empresa emprega macro estratégias globais para fazer seus investimentos. O Caxton Associates LP foi fundado em 1983 e tem sede em Princeton, Nova Jersey, com escritórios adicionais em Nova York e Londres, Reino Unido. É dirigido por Bruce Kovner. Citadel Investment Group, LLC 8211 Citadel Investment Group, L. L.C é um gerente de investimentos de propriedade privada. A empresa gerencia portfólios separados por clientes e hedge funds para seus clientes. Ele investe nos mercados de capital público, renda fixa e investimentos alternativos em todo o mundo. A empresa faz seus investimentos nos estoques de empresas que operam em diversos setores. Como parte de seus investimentos alternativos, investe em moeda, commodities e derivativos, tais como swaps de taxa de juros, futuros, opções, acordos de recompra e acordos de recompra reversa. A empresa faz seus investimentos de renda fixa em títulos do governo e títulos garantidos por hipotecas. Ele emprega uma combinação de estratégias, incluindo arbitragem de crédito e estratégias de crédito estruturado para fazer seus investimentos. A empresa emprega uma combinação de análise quantitativa e fundamental com uma abordagem bottom-up de escolha de ações para criar seu portfólio de investimentos. Realiza pesquisas internas para fazer seus investimentos. Citadel Investment Group, L. L.C foi fundado em 1990 e tem sede em Chicago, Illinois, com escritórios adicionais em Boston, Massachusetts, Nova York, Nova York, São Francisco, Califórnia, Londres, Reino Unido e Hong Kong, Hong Kong. A empresa é dirigida por Kenneth Cordele Griffin. Clovis Capital Management, LLC 8211 640 5th Avenue 14th Floor New York, Nova Iorque 10019. Telefone: (212) 332-1900. A Gestão do Castiçal, LLC 8211 Coatue Management é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade privada. A empresa investe nos mercados de ações públicas em todo o mundo concentrando-se em investimentos em tecnologia, mídia e telecomunicações, além de outros setores. Ele emprega uma estratégia de longo prazo para fazer seus investimentos. A Coatue Management foi fundada em 1999 e tem sede em Nova York. Cumberland Associates, LLC 8211 Cumberland Associates LLC é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade dos funcionários. A empresa fornece principalmente seus serviços aos veículos de investimento em comum. Ele gerencia uma série de hedge funds para seus clientes. A empresa também gerencia portfólios focados no cliente. Ele investe nos mercados públicos, de renda fixa e hedging em todo o mundo. A empresa normalmente investe em ações ordinárias, debêntures conversíveis, ações preferenciais conversíveis, outros títulos ou combinações de títulos com características patrimoniais, incluindo warrants ou direitos de compra de títulos de capital e combinação de títulos de dívida e valores mobiliários com características patrimoniais. Ele emprega uma análise fundamental com uma estratégia de longo prazo e uma abordagem ascendente de estoque para fazer seus investimentos. A empresa realiza pesquisas internas para fazer seus investimentos. A Cumberland Associates LLC foi fundada em 1970 e tem sede em Nova York. D. E. Shaw amp Company, Inc. - O grupo DE Shaw é uma empresa global de desenvolvimento de tecnologia e investimento com mais de 1.100 funcionários, aproximadamente, 21 bilhões em capital de investimento a partir de 1º de outubro de 2011 e escritórios na América do Norte, Europa, Oriente Médio e Ásia . Desde a sua fundação em 1988, a empresa ganhou uma reputação internacional de inovação financeira, liderança tecnológica e uma equipe extraordinariamente distinta. A empresa tem uma presença significativa em muitos dos mercados de capitais do mundo, investindo em uma ampla gama de empresas e instrumentos financeiros tanto nas principais nações industrializadas quanto em vários mercados emergentes. As suas atividades vão desde a implantação de estratégias de investimento baseadas em modelos matemáticos ou conhecimentos humanos até a aquisição de empresas existentes e o financiamento ou desenvolvimento de novas. A empresa foi fundada em 1988 por David E. Shaw. Enquanto o Dr. Shaw continua envolvido em certas decisões estratégicas de nível superior que afetam os negócios de gerenciamento de investimentos do grupo D. E. Shaw, ele não está mais envolvido ativamente nas operações do dia-a-dia. A grande maioria de seu tempo está agora dedicada ao seu papel como cientista-chefe da D. E. Shaw Research, LLC. Em que capacidade ele lidera um grupo de pesquisa interdisciplinar no campo da bioquímica computacional e se envolve pessoalmente em pesquisas científicas práticas nesse campo. Ele também realiza compromissos como pesquisador sênior no Centro de Biologia Computacional e Bioinformática da Universidade de Columbia e como Professor Adjunto de Informática Biomédica na escola de medicina Columbia8217s. Davidson Kempner Advisers, LLC - Davidson Kempner Capital Management LLC é um patrocinador do fundo de hedge proprietário. A empresa fornece seus serviços para veículos de investimento em conjunto. Ele investe nos mercados públicos, de renda fixa e hedging em todo o mundo. A empresa faz seus investimentos em dívidas em dificuldades e ações de empresas que estão passando por reestruturação societária, incluindo fusões, cias, liquidações e recapitalizações. Ele também utiliza estratégias orientadas para eventos, incluindo arbitragem de fusão, longo prazo e arbitragem conversível para fazer seus investimentos. A empresa emprega uma análise fundamental com abordagem ascendente para fazer seus investimentos. Obtém pesquisa externa para complementar sua pesquisa interna. A Davidson Kempner Capital Management LLC foi fundada em 1987 e tem sede em Nova York. É dirigido por Thomas Lenox Kempner. Duquesne Capital Management, LLC 8211 Duquesne Capital Management, L. L.C. Foi um patrocinador de fundos de cobertura de hedge globais de propriedade privada de Stanley Drunkenmiller que fechou em 2010. A empresa forneceu seus serviços para indivíduos e instituições de alto patrimônio líquido. Ele investiu nos mercados públicos de ações e hedge em todo o mundo. A empresa também fez investimentos em setores de energia e serviços públicos. Duquesne Capital Management foi fundada em 1981. Elm Ridge Capital Management 8211 Elm Ridge Capital Management, a Llc é uma empresa de consultoria em investimentos financeiros sediada em Irvington, Nova York. Esta empresa gerencia 3 contas totalizando cerca de 2.400.000.000 de ativos sob gerenciamento. Elm Ridge Capital Management, Llc8217s 11-50 funcionários ajudam a aconselhar 1-10 clientes. Eminence Capital, LLC 8211 Eminence Capital, LLC é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade privada. A empresa investe nos mercados públicos de ações e hedge dos Estados Unidos. Eminence Capital foi fundada em 1998 e tem sede em Nova York. Foi fundado por Ricky Sandler. Fir Tree Partners 8211 Fir Tree Partners L. P. é um patrocinador de fundos de hedge de propriedade privada. A empresa investe na dívida pública pública e nos mercados de ações públicas dos Estados Unidos. Ele investe principalmente em títulos de crédito em dificuldades e ações de valor. Fir Tree Partners foi fundado em 1994 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York, com escritórios adicionais em Nova York, Nova York e Miami, Flórida. É dirigido por Jeffrey D. Tannenbaum. Force Capital Management, LLC - O Force Capital Management é um consultor de investimento privado e não registrado que gerencia estratégias alternativas de investimento para clientes institucionais e privados qualificados. A empresa foi fundada em 2002 por Robert Jaffe. A filosofia de investimento da Force Capital8217s centra-se em oportunidades de investimento de capital e longo prazo orientadas por catalisadores em empresas domésticas. Os analistas empregam pesquisas intensivas de fundo para obter informações sobre as empresas alvo. Robert Jaffe é o fundador, presidente e CIO of Force Capital Management. Fortress Investment Group, LLC - A Fortress oferece uma série de estratégias de investimento alternativas e tradicionais para investidores institucionais e privados em todo o mundo. Fundada em 1998, a Companhia procura fornecer aos seus investidores retornos ajustados ao risco em uma estrutura de gestão que alinha de perto os interesses dos investidores e gerentes. Fortaleza continuou a evoluir de uma empresa dedicada de investimento em private equity para uma empresa de gestão de ativos diversificada. As empresas da Fortaleza, em seus fundos de private equity e fundos de crédito, se especializam em investimentos com base em ativos e trazem uma experiência significativa no investimento amplamente e profundo em um conjunto diversificado de tipos de ativos. Os conhecimentos da Fortress8217s se estendem a preços, possuir, financiar e supervisionar a gestão de ativos físicos e financeiros, desde ativos imobiliários e de capital até ativos financeiros garantidos por fluxos de caixa diversificados a longo prazo. Galleon Management, LLC O 8211 Galleon Group foi uma das maiores empresas de gestão de fundos de hedge do mundo, administrando mais de 7 bilhões, antes de fechar em outubro de 2009. A empresa estava no centro de um escândalo de insider trading de 2009 que resultou em investidores puxando capital de A empresa rapidamente. Galleon estava sediada em Nova York. Glenhill Advisors, LLC 8211 A Glenhill Advisors LLC, administrada por Glenn J. Krevlin, é um fundo de hedge multimilionário baseado em Nova York. O fundo é conhecido por ter uma posição de ativista em algumas de suas apostas maiores. Glenview Capital Management, LLC 8211 Glenview Capital Management foi fundada há dez anos por Larry Robbins, anteriormente da Omega Advisors. No final de 2010, eles têm 5 bilhões em ativos sob gestão. Na sua carta de investidores mais recente, a Glenview Capital Management discutiu as teses de investimento para suas posições longas e revelou que ampliaram suas posições curtas. GLG Partners - Fundada em 1995, a GLG é um dos principais gestores de investimentos globais que oferece uma gama abrangente de produtos e serviços alternativos, tradicionais de longo prazo e híbridos para uma ampla gama de clientes. Atualmente, a GLG gerencia ativos em nome de entidades do setor público, fundações, fundos soberanos, instituições financeiras e indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido. Em 2010, a GLG foi adquirida pelo homem. Ao longo de sua história de 15 anos, a GLG se concentrou em entregar retornos de investimento aos seus clientes. Possui uma equipe de 120 profissionais de investimento dedicados, gerindo ativos de 23 bilhões em 68 recursos em mercados de ações, macro, mercados emergentes, crédito, conversíveis e estratégias temáticas. Fundada em 1995, a GLG é um dos principais gestores de investimentos globais que oferece uma gama abrangente de produtos e serviços alternativos, tradicionais de longo prazo e híbridos para uma ampla gama de clientes. Atualmente, a GLG gerencia ativos em nome de entidades do setor público, fundações, fundos soberanos, instituições financeiras e indivíduos de alto patrimônio líquido. Em 2010, a GLG foi adquirida pelo homem. Ao longo de sua história de 15 anos, a GLG se concentrou em entregar retornos de investimento aos seus clientes. Possui uma equipe de 120 profissionais de investimento dedicados, gerindo ativos de 23 bilhões em 68 recursos em mercados de ações, macro, mercados emergentes, crédito, conversíveis e estratégias temáticas. GoldenTree Asset Management, L. P. 8211 GoldenTree Asset Management, LP é um gerente de investimentos de funcionários. A empresa fornece principalmente seus serviços aos veículos de investimento em comum. Também gerencia contas de empresas e planos de pensões e de participação nos lucros. A empresa gerencia portfólios de renda fixa e de renda fixa separados pelo cliente. Ele investe nos mercados de capital público, renda fixa e alternativas dos Estados Unidos e do Reino Unido. A empresa investe principalmente em ações de valor de empresas. Por seus investimentos de renda fixa, a empresa investe em empréstimos bancários e títulos de alto rendimento com alavancagem oportunista. Investiga em imóveis por seus investimentos alternativos. A empresa emprega uma análise fundamental com uma abordagem de picking de estoque de baixo para cima. Realiza pesquisas internas para fazer seus investimentos. O GoldenTree Asset Management foi fundado em março de 2000 e tem sede em Nova York, Nova York, com escritórios adicionais em Los Angeles, Califórnia, Chicago, Illinois, Dallas, Texas e Londres, Reino Unido. A empresa é administrada por Steven Tananbaum. Greenlight Capital, LLC - Greenlight Capital é um fundo de hedge que foi fundado por David Einhorn. O comentário de Einhorn8217 sobre a posição financeira da Lehman Brothers no início de 2008 e a venda curta do estoque Lehman da Greenlight8217s, anunciaram o colapso de Lehmans8217. A Greenlight investe principalmente em ofertas e ações de dívida de empresas norte-americanas negociadas publicamente. Ele também gerencia um fundo de fundos e um fundo de private equity através de suas afiliadas, Greenlight Masters e Greenlight Private Equity Partners. Também opera o Greenlight Capital Re, um reasseador de imóveis. Ao contrário de outros fundos, a Greenlight não usa dinheiro emprestado ou alavanca. A empresa não gera grandes volumes de negociação. Fundada em 1996 com 900.000 de capital (metade emprestada com os pais de Einhorn8217), a Greenlight gerou um retorno líquido anual maior que vinte e cinco por cento para seus parceiros e investidores ao longo de sua vida.1 Prosperou nos seus primeiros dias, identificando empresas financeiras fracas para Venda a descoberto, ganhos significativos da Conseco, CompuCredit, Sirrom Capital e Resource America. Highbridge Capital Management, LLC - A Highbridge Capital Management é uma organização alternativa de gestão de investimentos fundada em 1992. A empresa desenvolveu uma plataforma de investimento diversificada que compreende hedge funds, produtos tradicionais de gerenciamento de investimentos e investimentos de crédito e de capital com períodos de espera de longo prazo. A Highbridge e suas afiliadas gerenciam aproximadamente 27 bilhões em capital para muitos dos investidores institucionais mais importantes do mundo, fundos de pensão públicos e corporativos, doações, fundações, escritórios familiares e pessoas de alto patrimônio líquido. O Firm é baseado em Nova York com escritórios em Hong Kong, Londres e Tóquio e emprega (com suas afiliadas) mais de 485 pessoas, incluindo mais de 140 profissionais de investimento. No final de 2004, a J. P. Morgan Asset Management adquiriu uma participação majoritária na Highbridge, criando uma das primeiras e mais importantes alianças estratégicas no setor de hedge funds. A Highbridge Capital Management é uma organização alternativa de gestão de investimentos fundada em 1992. A empresa desenvolveu uma plataforma de investimento diversificada, que inclui hedge funds, produtos tradicionais de gerenciamento de investimentos e investimentos de crédito e de capital com períodos de espera de longo prazo. A Highbridge e suas afiliadas gerenciam aproximadamente 27 bilhões em capital para muitos dos investidores institucionais mais importantes do mundo, fundos de pensão públicos e corporativos, doações, fundações, escritórios familiares e pessoas de alto patrimônio líquido. O Firm é baseado em Nova York com escritórios em Hong Kong, Londres e Tóquio e emprega (com suas afiliadas) mais de 485 pessoas, incluindo mais de 140 profissionais de investimento. No final de 2004, a J. P. Morgan Asset Management adquiriu uma participação majoritária na Highbridge, criando uma das primeiras e mais importantes alianças estratégicas no setor de hedge funds. HBK Investments, LP - Intrepid Capital Management, LLC Parceiros da JANA, LLC Jay Goldman amp Co. JL Advisors, LLC Karsch Capital Management, LP Kinetics Advisers, LLC Kingdon Capital Management, LLC Kynikos Associates, LP Level Global Investors, LPMD Sass Investors Services, Inc. Marathon Asset Management, LLC Mason Capital Management, LLC Maverick Capital, LTD Millennium Management, LLC Moore Capital Management, Inc. MSD Investments Omega Advisors, Inc. OrbiMed Advisors, LLC OSS Capital Management, LP OZ Management, LLC Paulson amp Company, Inc. Perry Capital, LLC Ponto Capital do Estado 8211 Point State Capital lançado em 2011 com 5 bilhões, tudo isso do fundador da Duquense, Stanley Druckenmiller, e dos antigos investidores da Duquesne. O novo fundo, que em sua estréia foi de 1 bilhão menor do que o ex-chefe de dotação da Universidade de Harvard, Jack Meyer8217, a Convexity Capital Management estava em seu lançamento há quatro anos, foi fechado para novos investidores. Uma meia dúzia de antigos gestores de fundos da Duquesne Capital Management e o ex vice-presidente da firma8217 fizeram parte do segundo maior lançamento de hedge funds na história. Nenhum hedge funds em 2010 ou 2011 lançou com mais de 1 bilhão. Apesar de seu investimento de 1 bilhão no Point State, a Druckenmiller não tem participação na empresa. O Point State é liderado pelo ex-vice-presidente da Duquense, Sean Cullinan, como CEO. Para enfatizar seus vínculos com sua empresa antecessora, Point State, com sede em Nova York, é nomeado após o parque no centro de Pittsburgh, onde o forte Duquense já se encontrava. Por sua parte, Druckenmiller retornou alguns dos 98 bilhões dos 12 bilhões administrados pela Duquense, mas não antes de assegurar que ele acabasse com sua carreira com um trecho de retornos positivos de 30 anos sem interrupção. Ele planeja abrir um escritório familiar para administrar 3 bilhões de sua fortuna. Administração de ativos de princípios, LLC Ramius Capital Group, LLC Renewie Technology, LLC Ritchie Capital Management, LLC Royal Capital Management, LLC SAB Capital Management, LLC Sandell Asset Management Corporation Gerenciamento de ativos por satélite, LP Scout Capital Management, LLC Seneca Capital Advisors, LLC Sigma Capital Gestão de fundos Soros, LLC Steel Partners, LLC (EUA) SuttonBrook Capital Management, LP Third Point Management Company, LLC TIG Advisors, LLC Tiger Global Management, LLC TPG-Axon Capital Trafelet Capital Management, LP Tremblant Capital Group Two Sigma Investments LLC LLC Viking Global Investors, LP Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers, LLC York Capital Management, LLC Ziff Brothers Investments Zweig-DiMenna Associates, LLC 3 Responses to 8220LIST: 75 Top Hedge Funds (NY) 8221. Ele foi classificado como um dos hedge funds de melhor desempenho em diversas ocasiões. Mais recentemente, aproveite a academia, uma comunidade on-line que fornece recursos e materiais de treinamento para analistas novos e futuros,. Obrigado pela informação no seu site, achei muito informativo. Eu passarei seu link em Veja meu próprio site Vinho de investimento fino EQUIPE EXPERIENCIDA Ajay Ahuja CFO COO Ajay é gerente de operações e diretor financeiro da Eaton Partners, com mais de 20 anos de experiência profissional em gerenciamento de contabilidade, finanças e operações para instituições financeiras e Gerentes de ativos alternativos. Ele assumiu papéis de liderança, apoiando funções financeiras e operacionais dentro das instituições de gestão de ativos e de negociação (correção correspondente, custódia global e commodities) e apoiando empresas de private equity e hedge funds para várias estratégias, incluindo ações de pequena capitalização, macro global, produtos estruturados e angustiados Ativos (CDOs) e renda fixa. Ajay começou sua carreira como gerente de finanças da Morgan Stanley e na contabilidade na KPMG. Ajay recebeu seu MBA da Stern School of Business na Universidade de Nova York em Finanças e Gestão e um BBA (Magna Cum Laude) do Baruch College, com uma especialização em Contabilidade. Ele também é credenciado como Contador Público Certificado e possui licenças das Série 28 e 99 com FINRA. Nicole Alicea fornece suporte de distribuição de marketing para nossas Fundraises Imobiliária, Private Equity e Real Asset. Ela ocupou vários cargos de serviços financeiros e tem mais de 10 anos de experiência. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, ela trabalhou para o Marathon Financial Group. Ela também trabalhou em operações e foi coordenadora de estágio na Kota Global Securities. Nicole começou sua carreira como assistente executiva do embaixador Harold E. Doley Jr. da Doley Securities, LLC, a mais antiga empresa de bancos de investimento de origem afro-americana no país. Chrystalle lidera o esforço de gerenciamento de projetos para o grupo Hedge Funds amp Public Market Strategies, bem como suas ofertas de Investimento direto. Ela trabalha em estreita colaboração com os clientes em estratégia de marketing, design de garantia e posicionamento de produtos. Ela tem mais de 15 anos de experiência em serviços financeiros, 13 dos quais foram gastos produtos de investimento de marketing para investidores institucionais. Chrystalle é o autor e co-autor de vários artigos sobre o aumento do capital institucional, que foram apresentados em Absolute Return, Bloomberg Markets e HFM Investor Relations. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, a Chrystalle foi consultora sênior de Relações com Investidores da QFS Asset Management, um fundo de hedge macro global sistemático de 1,4 bilhões. Anteriormente, fazia parte das equipes de Gerenciamento de Produtos de Desenvolvimento de Negócios e Fixed Income em Goldman Sachs Asset Management, onde se concentrou em marketing e atendimento ao cliente. Ela começou sua carreira na Lazard Asset Management em contabilidade e depois se juntou ao grupo de marketing institucional. Chrystalle graduou-se cum laude da Faculdade de Negócios da Universidade de Nova York, onde obteve uma licenciatura em Economia e Negócios Internacionais e foi uma Stern Scholar. Ela é Analista Financeira Chartered e possui licenças Série 7, 63 e 31 com FINRA. Caroline Applegarth Associado de Marketing de Origem Caroline concentra-se nos esforços de marketing criativo e originário da Eaton Partners. Ela traz para a empresa uma sólida experiência em gerenciamento de eventos e coordenação administrativa, com experiência na Atlantic Media Company em Washington, DC, Duke University Atletismo em Durham, Carolina do Norte e Winston Flowers em Greenwich, CT. Caroline foi Estagiária de Relações Públicas para o Escritório do Coordenador Global de AIDS do Departamento de Estado dos EUA e ela ocupou vários cargos freelance e consultor na área de design, mídia social e marketing. Caroline obteve sua licenciatura em Antropologia Biológica e Anatomia da Duke University. Ela recebeu um Certificado de Design Gráfico Digital da Pace University, com cursos de design adicionais da New Yorks School of Visual Arts. John Baclawski concentra-se na distribuição das empresas de ações de private equity, imobiliário e ativos reais. Possui mais de 7 anos de experiência em banca de investimento e levantamento de capital. Antes de ingressar na Eaton, John trabalhou como Associado na Wells Fargo Securities em mercados imobiliários de capital próprio. Ele também trabalhou na HFF, LP levantando patrimônio e financiamento de dívida para clientes de imóveis comerciais. Anteriormente, trabalhou como Analista Senior de Banca de Investimento no Cantor Fitzgerald, assessorando e angariando capital para clientes nas instituições financeiras, setor imobiliário e energias renováveis. John começou sua carreira como Analista de Banca de Investimento da Bear, Stearns amp Co, como parte do Strategic Finance Group. John ganhou o diploma de Bacharel em Artes pela Universidade de Colgate e foi membro da History Honors Society (Phi Alpha Theta). John é um Eagle Scout e passou um inverno como instrutor de esqui profissional em Beaver Creek, CO. John possui as licenças Série 7, 79 e 63 com FINRA. Josh Barenbaum concentra-se na distribuição das ofertas de private equity, imobiliário e de ativos reais das empresas. Ele tem 13 anos de experiência diversificada em gestão e investimento. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, ele era vice-presidente da Kayne Anderson, onde se concentrou no investimento direto em mezzanine. Anteriormente, ele trabalhou como Associado na Versa Capital, onde completou investimentos de controle em situações de aflição corporativa. Josh também tem experiência em bancos de investimento com Merrill Lynch e consultoria estratégica com Booz Allen Hamilton. Josh se formou na Universidade de Yale com uma licenciatura em Ciência Política, completou uma bolsa Fulbright na Coréia do Sul e obteve seu MBA na Wharton School da Universidade da Pensilvânia, onde se especializou em finanças e contabilidade. Josh possui licenças Série 7 e 63 com FINRA. Sarah faz parte da equipe de gerenciamento de projetos e se concentra nos esforços de originação das empresas e na execução dos vários fundos alternativos comercializados pela empresa. Ela tem mais de 11 anos de experiência em serviços financeiros, incluindo produtos de investimento de marketing de seis anos. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, ela passou cinco anos na Goldman Sachs Asset Management, onde atuou como vice-presidente e gerente de portfólio de clientes. Nessa função, ela foi responsável por levantar ativos de riqueza institucional, privada e investidores de terceiros nas empresas desenvolvidas e ações de mercado emergente e estratégias imobiliárias, totalizando mais de 7 bilhões de ativos sob gestão. Anteriormente, ela trabalhou no JPMorgan Private Bank como Assistente de Gerenciador de Carteira, onde se concentrou no gerenciamento de portfólio das empresas contas de clientes privados. Ela começou sua carreira como Estagiária para o Programa de Início Inteligente Thomas G. Labrecque no JPMorgan Chase depois de receber uma bolsa de estudos completa. Sarah recebeu uma licenciatura em finanças e contabilidade na Universidade de Nova York, Stern School of Business, onde se formou Magna Cum Laude. Ela é CFA Charterholder e possui licenças Série 7 e 63 com FINRA. Zack Craumer concentra-se na execução de vários produtos de investimento alternativos comercializados pela empresa. Ele tem 6 anos de experiência em serviços financeiros. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, a Zack trabalhou como analista no J. P. Morgan Investment Bank, desenvolvendo um novo esforço de cobertura que assessora empresas de investimento familiar focadas em investimentos diretos. Zack começou sua carreira no J. P. Morgan Private Bank, onde assessorou os indivíduos do Ultra High Net Worth na comunidade do patrocinador financeiro em todos os aspectos de sua riqueza pessoal. Zack se formou na Universidade Colgate com um Bacharel em Psicologia. Ele possui as séries 7, 79 e 63 com a FINRA. Michael Crawford lidera a equipe de captação de recursos imobiliários e se concentra em várias estratégias de private equity e ativos reais da Eaton Partners. Ele tem mais de 28 anos de experiência em investimentos alternativos. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners, era diretor do Grupo de Mercados de Capitais Privados da Robertson Stephens, onde a cobertura da indústria incluía empresas públicas de imóveis e saúde, especificamente elevando o capital de capital privado para REIT públicas e investimentos privados em ações públicas (PIPES). Anteriormente, ele trabalhou como vice-presidente de ações institucionais na Paine Webber. Ele começou sua carreira na Cabot, Cabot amp Forbes, em Boston, onde foi responsável pelo desenvolvimento de negócios das empresas de consultoria imobiliária e serviços de gestão de ativos. Michael recebeu um MBA em finanças e imóveis da Columbia University Graduate School of Business e um BA em inglês da Brown University. Ele possui as licenças Série 7 e 63 com FINRA. Ele está no Board of Overseers para o Joslin Diabetes Center em Boston, Massachusetts. Jeffrey S. Davis, parceiro Jeff, lidera Execução e Gerenciamento de Projetos globalmente para a Eaton Partners fora do nosso escritório Rowayton. Além de posicionar e embalar certos produtos para distribuição, Jeff concentra-se na originação de produtos nos silos Eatons Private Equity e Real Asset. Ele tem 20 anos de experiência em serviços financeiros, 16 dos quais foram gastos em alternativas. Antes de se juntar à Eaton Partners, ele trabalhou na Capital Dynamics, uma consultora de capital privado e plataforma de fundos com sede em Suiça. Lá, ele se concentrou em rastrear e recomendar estratégias de private equity para clientela institucional. Anteriormente, trabalhou na GE Equity em novas capacidades de negócios, subscrição e gerenciamento de ativos em relação aos investimentos de capital de risco diretos da GEs. Ele começou sua carreira em 1994 com o Bankers Trust em gerenciamento de ativos, seguido de três anos no banco de investimento imobiliário no Deutsche Bank. Jeff recebeu um MBA em Finanças da Fuqua School of Business na Duke University e um BA da Brandeis University. Ele também possui licenças Série 7 e 63 com FINRA. Eric concentra-se na originação e gerenciamento de projetos para vários produtos de investimento alternativos com ênfase no private equity, imobiliário e ativos reais. Ele tem 11 anos de mercado de capitais e experiência de assessoria financeira, oito dos quais foram gastos trabalhando com investimentos alternativos. Antes de ingressar na Eaton Partners em 2015, ele ajudou a lançar o LB Group, LLC, uma empresa de colocação privada, onde originou, embalou e criou capital institucional para fundos de investimento alternativos. Anteriormente, Eric era um Associado da Lehman Brothers com foco em banca de investimento, distribuição e estruturação no Global Commercial Real Estate Group. While at Lehman, Eric led CMBS, CRE CDO and other structured finance offerings. He began his career at Ernst amp Young LLP where he worked on institutional client engagements for structured finance advisory services. Eric received a B. S. degree with a concentration in Finance and Law, and a minor in Economics from Ithaca College. He is a CAIA Charterholder, CFA Level III candidate and holds Series 7, 24, 63, 79 licenses with FINRA. Olivia provides marketing distribution support for the firms public market strategies fundraising team. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she worked as an assistant for McQuay International where she provided reception and administrative support. She began her career as a Media Librarian intern at Madison Square Garden. Olivia received a BA in Communication and Art History from Marist College. Charlie founded Eaton Partners in 1983 and was a pioneer of the placement agent concept. Previously, he was in research and institutional sales at Mitchell Hutchins, Morgan Stanley, and H. C. Wainwright amp Company, where he was a partner at the time Wainwright was ranked the top institutional research firm in the country. He began his career as an investment research officer at Morgan Guaranty Trust Company (predecessor to J. P. Morgan Investment Management). Charlie graduated from Washington and Jefferson College and received an MBA from the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. He holds Series 7,63, and 99 licenses with FINRA. He served as a First Lieutenant in the U. S. Army Armor branch. Charlie is a former trustee of Washington and Jefferson College. He has also served as Campaign Chair of The Darien Community Fund and is presently actively involved with Operation Comfort of San Antonio and The Wounded Warrior Project, both for severely wounded vets. Steven D. Eaton Partner Steve focuses on the distribution of the firms private equity, real estate and real assets offerings. He has 16 years of experience in the financial services industry, working in both the buy-side and the sell-side of the market. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Director at C6 Capital, a Moscow-based investor of renewable energy projects, where he was in charge of business development. Previously, he worked for Montrose Food and Wine in Shanghai, China, Invesco Funds Group and Citigroup Diners Club. He has several years of experience living and working in emerging market countries, namely China, Russia and Ukraine. Steve graduated from Bucknell University with a BA in Economics, and earned a Master of International Affairs degree from Columbia University, where he focused on Energy Policy and Business in Emerging Markets. He holds Series 7, 6, 63 and 106 licenses with FINRA. Leanne Erickson CCO Leanne is Chief Compliance Officer for the firm and manages the CRM database. She has over 17 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she was an assistant at the law firm of Brody Wilkinson where she coordinated and handled all legal matters that included mergers, corporate employment and pension plans. In addition to her legal background, Leanne previously worked at Walter C. King Associates, providing assistance in financial planning and corporate tax returns. Leanne received her BS in Office Administration from Southern New Hampshire University. She holds Series 7, 63, 24, and 99 licenses with FINRA. Megan B. Felipe Accounting Clerk Megan provides accounting support for the firm. She has over 15 years of experience in accounting and administration. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Megan was a Consultant and an Associate at Pequot Capital Management, where she was responsible for coordinating documentation for completion of financial statements and maintaining financial, legal, and accounting files. Megan began her career as an Office Assistant with Titanus, where she was responsible for processing accounts payable and receivable and coordinating the full order chain process for clients. John focuses on the distribution of the firms hedge fund and public market strategies and has more than 12 years of institutional marketing and business development experience within alternative investments. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, John was a senior member of the investor relations and marketing team for Select Equity Group, Inc. a multi-billion dollar equity hedge fund sponsor where he focused on institutionalizing the firms investor relations and marketing efforts. Previously, John held various business development roles within asset management and prime brokerage at J. P. Morgan Asset Management and Bear Stearns amp Co. John was an associate with Citigroups Corporate Client Advisory Group, where he was responsible for marketing the teams traditional and alternative multi-manger investment platform. He began his career as a marketing specialist for OutlookSoft Corporation, a former GE Capital, Merrill Lynch Ventures, and FirstMark Capital portfolio company which was sold to SAP in 2007. John received a BA from Colgate University and an MBA from Columbia Business School, where he earned Deans Honors. He holds both Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Marie Ferreira provides marketing distribution support for the firms public market strategies fundraising team. Prior to joining Eaton Partners she was a Marketing Assistant at Barnum Financial Group, an office of MetLife where she provided ongoing support for two of the firms leading Certified Financial Planners. She began her career as a Fund Accountant II at The Gemini Companies on Long Island where she was responsible for daily monitoring of mutual funds and nightly NAV calculation. Marie received her BA in Marketing from Hofstra University. C. Ulises Flores Partner Ulises focuses on fund origination, screening, due diligence and packaging of various alternative products for distribution with an emphasis on real estate and real assets. He has 16 years of financial services and corporate experience, ten of which have been spent in the private equity industry. During his time at Eaton Partners, he has covered primarily real estate, real assets and hedge fund strategies. Prior to joining Eaton, he worked at Servicios Quirurgicos, an exclusive distributor for Tyco Healthcare, a U. S.-based public conglomerate where he oversaw logistic and distribution efforts. He began his career at Grupo Alza in their production and operations units overseeing system implementations and production execution. Ulises received an MBA in Finance from Fordham University, where he graduated with honors and was recipient of the Hitachi Scholarship for Academic Merit. He has a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Rafael Landivar. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Ulises also holds Mexican citizenship and is fluent in Spanish and English. Scott Froehlich leads Eatons Public Markets Origination effort where he focuses on sourcing, building and strengthening Eatons relationships with top Hedge Fund and Long Only managers. He has 20 years of financial services experience, 8 of which have been spent directly allocating to hedge funds and marketing single strategy hedge fund products. In addition, he has 10 years combined experience across fixed income derivatives trading and equity research. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Scott led Marketing and Investor Relations at Artha Capital, a LS Emerging Markets manager with a peak assets in excess of 2B. Previously, he spent 4 years at UBP as an Executive Director responsible for manager research and portfolio construction in the LS Equity space. Prior, Scott spent 5 years in Equity Research at ING Investments and CKM Investments. He spent the first 5 years of his career trading Fixed Income Derivatives at HSBC in New York and London. Scott received an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a BA in English from Boston College. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Meg is an Analyst dedicated to the firms hedge fund and public market strategy offerings. She has over seven years of marketing experience and four years of financial services experience. Prior to joining Eaton, she worked as an associate for an event based marketing firm. She began her career as a legal patent associate where she collaborated and worked alongside a team of senior partners. Meg received her BA in Political Science and Criminal Justice from The University of Connecticut. During her time at UConn, she spent a semester abroad studying in Australia, and was an active member of many sports clubs and organizations. Nicole provides marketing distribution support for our Real Estate, Private Equity and Real Asset fundraises. She has held various marketing and support roles in the sales industry and has over 10 years of marketing experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she worked in the sports television industry as a senior marketing manager with NBC Sports and Comcast Networks. Nicole received a BS in Business Administration with a minor in Retailing from York College of Pennsylvania. Tom leads the hedge fundpublic market strategies fundraising team at Eaton Partners. His responsibilities include originating funds, managing GP relationships, distributing funds to institutions in the northeast U. S. and managing the hedge fundpublic market strategies team. Tom has over 33 years of institutional marketing and financial markets experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners in 2004, Tom spent 22 years in institutional fixed income sales and sales management most recently at J. P. Morgan where he was a Managing Director and Institutional Sales Manager for liquid debt and derivative products. At Morgan, Toms responsibilities included managing a group of 14 sales professionals and maintaining an institutional client base consisting of insurance companies, banks and asset managers. Tom received his MBA from Boston College in Finance and his BA in Economics from Colgate University. He holds Series 7, 63, 24, 31 and 99 licenses with FINRA. He serves on a number of charitable boards including Domus Kids in Stamford, CT and the Fairfield Museum in Fairfield, CT. Sharon is the firms controller. She has more than 15 years of experience in the financial accounting services. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she was an AVP at Citi Private Equity Services in New York, where she provided accounting outsourcing services to private equity and broker dealer clients. Previously, she was a Senior Associate at Bisys Private Equity, and Dalessio, Miller amp Leben, LLP. Sharon received a BS in Economics and Business amp Management from Stony Brook University. She holds Series 28 and 99 licenses with FINRA. Elaine Leung Accounts Payable Elaine provides accounting support for the firm. She has over 10 years of experience in full cycle accounts payable. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Elaine was an Accounts Payable Supervisor at Shared Mutual Services, where she was responsible for managing the Accounts Payable team that handled 15 hotels in the US and UK. Elaine began her career as an Accounts Payable Associate with The Western Hotel and earned her AS degree in Accounting from Norwalk Community College. Will focuses on the firms private equity, real asset and real estate fund distribution. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Will was an associate at Galatioto Sports Partners, where he focused on professional sports franchise MampA transactions, franchise financing advisory and franchise valuations. He also worked on the firms proprietary credit platform, analyzing professional sports credit opportunities in both the primary and secondary market. Previously, Will worked as an equity analyst at Fred Alger Management. He began his career as an equity analyst at Fulcrum Global Partners before moving onto BBampT Capital Markets. Will received an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA in History from Princeton University. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Megan Markus provides marketing distribution support for our Real Estate, Private Equity and Real Asset Fundraises. She started her career at Colangelo Synergy Marketing working as an Account Executive and Senior Administrative Assistant supporting the creative department. She brings to the firm a strong background in marketing, administrative coordination and sales experience. Megan received a BA in Communications from Keene State College. Al is the Technology Officer at Eaton Partners and is responsible for all aspects of the firms global technology, including communications, networks, applications, tech security and help desk support. With over 20 years of experience in high-level, technical positions, Al spent the last 10 years as VP of Technology for a private equity firm specializing in real estate opportunities. Previously, he has held such positions in a variety of industries, including a technical consulting firm, an international sales and service organization, and a national specialty retail chain. Al began his career working as an engineer, focusing on research and development areas for Fortune 500 companies such as Pitney Bowes, Perkin-Elmer and Applied Bio Systems. He also is named in several patents used in the bio-technology industry. Al received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Fairfield University and his MBA from Sacred Heart University. Wesley Payne is the firms Desktop Support Specialist. In this role, Wesley provides operational and technical support to computer users and interacts with external suppliers of technology. His focus is on installing and configuring personal computers, printers and peripheral equipment, assist with capacity planning for computers and networks. Wesley joined Eaton Partners in 2014 and has more than 10 years of experience in Information Technology. Prior to joining the firm, he held a variety of IT positions including, deployment enterprise technician at Hewlett Packard, and desktop support technician at Unger Enterprises. He began his career in the United States Navy serving 10 years of active duty as an Information Specialist. Wesley received his AS in Network Administration from the University of Phoenix, and A, Network, and MCSE certifications from Porter and Chester Institute of Technology. Michael focuses on advising clients on both the purchase and sale of assets in the secondary market. Previously, he was a Director and Senior Portfolio Manager in the Private Markets Group at DuPont Capital Management, where he helped to manage the DuPont Pension Trusts multi-billion dollar alternative assets portfolio, including private equity and real estate investments, as well as the Wilton Private Equity Fund and DCM Private Equity Fund II, two private equity fund-of-funds. Additionally, Michael was responsible for US and European partnership and secondary investments as well as co-investments, establishing the long-term and tactical investment strategy for the Private Markets Group. He was a member of the Private Markets Group investment committee, which reviewed and approved in excess of 3.5 billion of investments during his tenure, and served on the DCM Fiduciary committee. Previously, Michael was a Vice President in the Private Equity Finance group at Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown and an Associate in the investment banking division at Cowen amp Company. Michael received a BA in Finance from Loyola College and an MBA in Finance from the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Andrew focuses on the distribution of the firms hedge fund and public market strategies. He has 13 years of experience in the financial services industry, mostly in institutional sales and marketing. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Andrew was Vice President at RBS Securities, working in their high yield amp distressed credit group. At RBS, he was responsible for covering a broad group of institutional credit investors, including hedge funds, mutual funds and CLO managers. Andrew ha s also held similar institutional sales positions at Nomura Securities, Putnam Lovell NBF and Lehman Brothers, where he began in the private investment management group, before transitioning to market the firms private equity fund strategies. Andrew earned his MBA from the University of Virginias Darden Graduate School of Business and his BA in History from Colgate University. He holds both Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Ryan Still Vice President Ryan Still focuses on the execution of various illiquid funds marketed by the firm and has over 6 years of financial services experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was an associate at Champlain Advisors, a boutique fund placement agent, where he was responsible for the firms project management efforts. Previously, he spent time in the venture lending space at Square 1 Bank, where he worked as an underwriting analyst and later in strategic planning. Ryan graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in Government. Sean H. Taraz Business Support Administrator Sean is responsible for operational and business support aspects of the firm, including coordinating and assisting with recruiting, training and staffing needs. She has more than 12 years of communications experience, over five of which have been spent in the finance industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she worked for Cablevision as part of their Government and Public Affairs group. Previously, she has worked as a public relations professional for agencies such as Ruder Finn and Dan Klores Communications, working with an array of media, sports, and travel industry clients. Sean received a BS in Television, Radio, and Film Studies from the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She also holds a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification. Melissa Teague provides marketing distribution support for our Real Estate, Private Equity and Real Asset fundraises. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she was an Associate Buyer with Lord and Taylor, Inc. in New York City and the Contemporary Buyer for Dillards, Inc. in Fort Worth, Texas. She also interned for Conde Nasts VOGUE Magazine. She has over 7 years of support, marketing and sales experience. Melissa earned her BA in Apparel and Merchandising with a minor in Business Administration from Louisiana State University. Danielle is a Project Management and Origination Analyst with seven years of experience working in the financial services industry. She returns to Eaton from Omega Advisors, where she worked as an Investor Relations Associate. Danielle originally joined Eaton Partners as a Marketing Associate, providing hedge fund distribution support. Prior to Eaton Partners, she worked for Consolidated Contractors Company in Athens, Greece as a plant procurement administrator. Previously, she worked at Hobbs, Inc. as a project estimator and began her career at GVA Williams Commercial Real Estate as a commercial real estate broker and marketing associate. Danielle received a BA in Corporate and Organizational Studies from The University of Connecticut. Jeff leads worldwide origination for Eaton Partners out of our Houston office. He primarily manages the consideration and acquisition of new clients across all investment strategies for the firm. Jeff additionally directs project management efforts for funds focused on energy and other real asset strategies. He has a diverse background in energy investments and over 16 years of experience in the financial industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Director at Constellation Energy Commodities Group leading principal transactions for their natural gas structuring and trading division. Jeff graduated from Duke University with degrees in Economics and History, and received his MBA from Dukes Fuqua School of Business. He recently joined the inaugural Board of Visitors for Dukes new Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative. He holds Series 7, 63, 57 and 24 licenses with FINRA and is also licensed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Europe. Cortney Meza Marketing Associate Cortney Meza provides marking distribution support for our Private Equity, Real Estate, and Real Asset fundraises. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she worked for Genesys Works, a non-profit organization, supporting the CEO. She also has a background in law and entrepreneurship. Cortney received a JD from South Texas College of Law and a BA from George Washington University. David focuses on the firms private equity, real asset and real estate fund distribution. He has fourteen years of private equity experience including seven years as an institutional fund investor. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Director at Morgan Creek Capital Management, where he was a member of the private asset investment team and spearheaded the teams global sales and marketing efforts. While in this role, Davids team raised 1.5 billion in private assets from institutional investors. Previously, he worked for Lehman Crossroads (now NB Alternatives), where he was a member of the investment team covering private equity fund strategies across North America and Asia as an institutional investor. David received an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and a BE in Electrical Engineering from Vanderbilt University. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Shannon provides marketing distribution support. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she worked for Irish DreamTime, a Los-Angeles based production company, as the Executive Assistant to Pierce Brosnan. Previously, she worked in support of various executives at Bluegrass Films and at Creative Artists Agency. Shannon received a BA (Hons) in Theatre Studies from California State University of Northridge. Allie Flint provides marketing distribution support for our Real Estate, Private Equity and Real Asset fundraising team. She has over 6 years of experience in the Financial Industry and she was a partial owner of a Jersey Mikes franchise in Northern California prior to joining Eaton Partners. Allie has previously held the roles of Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President of Trading at LPL Financial, as well as Research Assistant at Metropolitan West Capital Management in Newport Beach, CA. Allie received her BBA from the University of San Diego with a minor in History. Keith focuses on the distribution of the firms Hedge Fund and Public Market Strategies and has more than 15 years of finance experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he worked as a Senior Vice PresidentCredit Analyst for HSBC Securities. Previously, Keith served as a Senior Vice PresidentCredit Analyst on the Proprietary Trading Desk at Macquarie Capital, a Vice PresidentCredit Analyst at RBS Greenwich Capital Markets, and a Corporate Bond TraderCredit Analyst for Metropolitan West Asset Management. He began his finance career with Patterson Capital Corporation as a Corporate Bond TraderCredit Analyst. Keith earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering, with merit, from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and a MBA in Finance from UCLA Anderson in Los Angeles, CA. Notably, Keith served in the United States Navy as a Submarine Officer, where he was awarded two Navy Achievement Medals for outstanding performance of duties. He holds his Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Keith is also a volunteer US Naval Academy Blue amp Gold Officer, a Qualified Submarine Officer by the US Navy, and a Nuclear Engineer Officer by the United States Department of Energy. Dave is a Senior Advisor for Eaton Partners. Previously, he held the role of Partner, leading Eaton Partners efforts in San Diego, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Dave has been involved in the full spectrum of the investment management business for over 47 years, with more than 17 years spent with Eaton Partners. During his ten years as an investment analyst and Senior Vice President with H. C. Wainwright amp Co. Dave earned a national reputation and was twice named to a first team position on Institutional Investors All American Research Team. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was President of Kenmar Institutional Investment Management President of Marathon Asset Management Co. Senior Vice President for AtalantaSosnoff Capital Corporation and Executive Vice President of RSF Investment Advisers. Dave graduated from the University of Michigan with a BBA degree in Economics and an MBA in Finance. He holds Series 7, 24, and 63 licenses with FINRA and is registered with the SFC in Hong Kong. He was a competitive triathlete who completed 20 full Ironman Triathlons and is a fundraiser for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Dave is a former member of the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Employees Retirement Association and he is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Peter focuses on fund distribution, monitoring, client servicing and execution of the various alternative funds marketed by the firm. He has over 20 years of diversified management and investment experience, which includes 15 years of direct private equity funds investment experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Managing Director with Macquarie Funds Management, where he led a team of investment professionals structuring, fundraising and investing fund of funds and separate accounts into global PE opportunities. Previously, he was a Director with Pacific Corporate Group, where he advised large and small institutional investors on structuring and investing their private equity programs. He began his career as an Operations Officer in the United States Navy within the surface warfare community. Peter received an MBA from Yale University in New Haven, CT and a BS in Oceanography from the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. He is also a graduate of the U. S. Naval War College in Newport, RI. He holds Series 7, 63 and 24 licenses with FINRA. Chris focuses on the firms private equity, real asset, and real estate fund distribution. He has 13 years of professional management experience and five years of direct private equity and real estate experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Vice President at Triton Pacific Capital, where he provided strategic advisory and private equity placement services to top-tier private equity real estate and infrastructure managers. Previously, he worked for Heitman, where he was responsible for identifying potential investments for programmatic joint ventures, separate account clients and in-house investment funds. Chris received an MBA from the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO and a BS in Economics from the University of Missouri. He is a CPA and holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Peter Purcell focuses on the firms private equity, real asset, and real estate fund distribution. He has 13 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Peter was an Assistant Vice President at GE Antares Capital, providing debt and equity capital to private equity owned businesses. Previously, he served as an Investment Banking Associate with Duff amp Phelps, providing MampA and corporate advisory services to the middle market. He also has experience working in strategic finance roles at Fannie Mae and Illumina, where he played a key role in the formation of GRAIL. Peter began his career as an Associate, Assurance amp Advisory with PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Peter received an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business where he majored in finance and accounting, and a BA in Economics amp Management from Albion College in Albion, MI. He holds Series 7 and 63 licenses with FINRA. Mike focuses on the firms private equity, real asset and real estate fund distribution. He has over 11 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Mike was Vice President at Altegris Investments, where he was responsible for the distribution of alternative investment strategies in both private and public offerings. Previously, he worked at Goldman Sachs, where he focused on relationship management and fund distribution to top-tier registered investment advisors and brokerdealers. Mike began his career in the financial services industry as a Wealth Management Associate at Rydex Investments, where he educated financial advisors on the importance of implementing alternative investment solutions into their portfolios. Mike received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Gustavus Adolphus College. He holds his NFA Series 3 and FINRA Series 7, 63 amp 65 licenses. Jessica Akyaa provides marketing distribution support for our Private Equity, Real Assets, and Real Estate fundraises. She brings over 10 years of multi-sector support in marketing, and service experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners. she served as the Office Manager at Sensornet, where she supported the sales, manufacturing, and technology teams in addition to manag ing the office, logistics, and HampS. Previously, Jessica has worked in marketing and business-oriented support roles in the oil amp gas, manufacturing, and retail banking sectors. Jessica earned her BA (Hons) in Human Resource Management from Kingston University. Gianluca DAngelo leads the origination, execution, and distribution of alternative funds for Eaton Partners in Europe. He has over 15 years of financial service experience and has led various entrepreneurial initiatives in different sectors. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Partner for Probitas Partners UK, a global placement agent, where he was responsible to originate, execute and distribute private equity and real assets funds. Previously, he worked at Credit Suisse Italy in their Private Banking unit in Rome. Gianluca began his career at UBS-Paine Webber in New York. Gianluca received an MBA from University of Geneva and a Masters Degree in Economics from University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Stockholm. He also earned a Certificate in Corporate Finance from the Securities and Investment Institute and a Certificate in Business Accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Gianluca is fluent in English and Italian and has a good knowledge of Spanish. He is licensed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Europe. Kaiser Jasrai Managing Director Kaiser focuses on European distribution of the firms private equity, real assets, real estate and hedge fund offerings with over nine years of financial services experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Director for Wedge Alternatives in London, a global boutique placement agent raising institutional capital for private equity, real assets, real estate and hedge funds. Previously, he was Director at Scimitar Private Equity, an emerging markets private equity firm, and at Standard Chartered Bank as Associate Director of Global Institutional Sales in Dubai. Kaiser began his career at UBS Investment Bank in London. Kaiser holds a Masters from the London School of Economics and a BA from the University of Oxford, Hertford College. He is a native English speaker and has basic knowledge of German and Arabic. He is licensed with the FCA in Europe. Patrick ODolan works out of the London office as a Vice President for our Origination team. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Patrick was an investment manager at Connection Capital, where he was responsible for sourcing, executing and managing Connection Capitals third party alternative fund investments. Prior, Patrick worked for Campbell Lutyens in private equity Fund placement, focusing on origination and execution of buyout, infrastructure and venture capital mandates for European General Partners. He began his career at ING working in Leverage Finance. Patrick earned his Bachelor of Commerce degree from University College Dublin and spent his Erasmus at EDHEC Business College in Nice, France. He is also licensed with the FCA in Europe. Lucy provides marketing distribution support for our Private Equity, Real Assets, Hedge Fund and Real Estate fundraises. She also assists the Origination team in Europe. She brings over 7 years of experience in marketing and client services. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Lucy held account management positions at advertising agencies including J. Walter Thompson and Proximity London, as well as working within the marketing teams at BSkyB and ITV. Lucy graduated with a first class BA (Hons) Politics Degree from the University of Leeds and also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Direct and Interactive Marketing from the Institute of Direct Marketing. James Townend focuses on European distributiondevelopment of firms hedge fund and public market strategies. He has over twelve years experience in the European Financial Services Markets. Prior to joining Eaton Partners he was a Business Development Director for Nomura Asset Management in London, responsible for building a European presence and raising institutional capital for the firms hedge funds. Previously he was an International Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch, a member of the Multi Manager Team at Global Asset Management, and was also a Consultant at Statistical Decisions Ltd. James holds a Masters MSc (Distinction) in Investment Management from CASS Business School, and a BA from the University of Westminster. He is licensed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in Europe. Nancy provides marketing distribution support and has over 21 years of administrative support experience with multi-national corporations. Prior joining Eaton Partners, she was administrative assistant at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Previously, she was office manager at Urban Land Capital Alexander Mann and Stephens Associates, where she provided overall business administration including accounting to financial markets expatriates. She also worked as the business administration executive at Alliance Boots Group for five years, within the retail section on their Healthcare amp Beauty unit. Prior, she was involved in international trading businesses and foreign direct investments in China market. Nancy received a BA (Hons) in Business Administration from the University of Greenwich. She is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Jackson focuses on the distribution of the firms alternative assets offerings in Asia. He has more than 15 years of institutional sales and marketing experience in the alternative space. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Jackson headed the business development function at Hamilton Lane in Asia, where he was responsible for the sales and marketing and client servicing of all the groups alternative solutions and products to Asian investors. Previously, he held similar positions at Ramius, SGAM and SAIL Advisors. Jackson began his career as an investment consultant, working at both Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Tower Watsons, assisting a number of Asian institutional investors in developing their investment strategies, with a focus on alternative assets. Jackson received his Bachelor of Commerce degree in Actuarial Studies from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He has also served as committee member for a number of non-profit associations in HK the most recent one being the Finance and Administration Committee Member for the HK YWCA. Liana provides marketing distribution support in the Hong Kong Office and has over five years of experience in the Financial Industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she was an administrative assistant at Angelo, Gordon Asia Limited. Previously, she was an administrative customer service assistant at Fisher amp Paykel Healthcare Limited. She also worked as a customer service manager at Pureheart Capital Asia Limited for over three years, where she handled professional investor accounts and provided support to the settlement department. Liana started her career at Standard Chartered Bank as a personal financial consultant. Liana received a BA in Business Administration from Jinan University. She is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. Liana is a licensed representative to conduct Type 1 (Dealing in Securities) regulated activities by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Dennis Corcoran Analyst Dennis Corcoran focuses on advisory of both purchase and sale of assets in the secondary market. Dennis first joined Eaton as an Intern assisting the firms project management and origination efforts in China. Prior to joining Eaton, he worked as an account manager and project coordinator in media and communications where he was responsible for raising sponsorship and funds for companys television platform. Dennis also has experience in commercial real estate and in government relations, where he worked as an assistant to a Federal Member of Parliament in Canada. Dennis holds a B in accounting and finance from McGill University. Hitesh Gumnani focuses on the origination and execution of alternative funds in Asia. He has six years of investing and private equity experience. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Hitesh worked as an associate for HQ Capital, where he invested in private equity funds in Asia across primary and secondary transactions. Previously he served as a Research Associate at Mergermarket Ltd. Hitesh earned his BSc in Financial Management from Upper Iowa University. Hitesh speaks English, Cantonese, Hindi and Sindhi. Chris Lerner leads the origination and execution of alternative funds for Eaton in Asia. He has over 15 years of investment banking and direct investment experience with over 10 billion in completed transactions. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was a Managing Partner for Mercer Street Capital, an independent strategic advisory and investment firm. Chris began his career with Citigroup and its predecessor firm, Salomon Smith Barney. He was the firms first investment banking expatriate based in Mainland China and helped established the Asia Pacific Financial Institutions Group. Later, he worked on the corporate buy-side in strategic planning and business development, including for The Timberland Company where he completed the first four acquisitions in that companys history. Chris received an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA from Tufts University. He also earned a Certificate in Mandarin Chinese from the College of Foreign Languages in Beijing. He holds Series 7, 63, 24 and 79 licenses with FINRA and is also licensed with the SFC in Hong Kong. Ye focuses on fundraising execution in Asia. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, Ye worked at Aurora Capital, a New York-based boutique investment bank, as an Analyst. Ye graduated from the University of Rochester with a BA in Economics and a BS in Applied Mathematics. Ye also attended the London School of Economics in the UK where he interned at a global boutique placement agent, Wedge Alternatives. Robin focuses on the origination and execution of alternative funds in Asia. He has nine years of investing and private equity experience with 900 million in completed transactions. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, he was an Associate at Capital Dynamics in New York, a global private equity asset manager. He began his career with Sterling InfoSystems, where he worked on MampA opportunities and joint ventures to build the firms international capabilities. Robin received a BA from Brandeis University, where he also completed his MA in International Economics and Finance. As part of his studies he also attended the London School of Economics and ESSEC Business School in Paris, France. Robin speaks English, German, Mandarin Chinese, French and Hebrew. Viki Zhong provides marketing distribution support. She has over 3 years marketing management and administration experience in the real estate and education industry. Prior to joining Eaton Partners, she was an assistant to the managing director at an UK-headquartered company PRC in Shanghai, providing accounting support and innovative marketing solutions. Previously, she was a department manager at SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), providing office management, customer service and training program. Viki received a BA in English Language and Literature from SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), where she also studied accounting during her free time. Eaton Partners, LLC, is a Registered Broker-Dealer and a member of FINRA (FINRA. org ), and is also registered as an Introducing Broker with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and member of the National Futures Association (NFA). Eaton Partners (UK) LLP is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Eaton Partners Advisors (HK) Limited is approved as a Type 1 License company under the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong. Eaton Partners and the eaton partners logo are trademarks of Eaton Partners, LLC, a limited liability company reg Eaton Partners, LLC, 2017. Eaton Partners, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary and affiliate of Stifel Financial Corp.
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